One membership we highly recommend is with the Sporting Detection Dog Association (SDDA). Maybe, rather than renewing you haven't taken that leap yet and are wondering why you should become a member. What does it gain you? Here are few reason's we think it's a great idea!
Reason's to Become a Registered Participant (RP) of the SDDA:
- It helps to support an amazing organization, an organization who has helped bring the sport of Scent Detection to Canada and made it a "game" anyone can play.
- It only costs $30 CAN, or $50 if you sign up for a family membership with other members in your household!
- Trials open to RP members 3 days before the public, if you live in an area where trials are hot commodities this can make or break whether you get in or not as spaces fill quickly!
- Being a RP member allows you to host Designated Odor Tests (DOTs) or Trials.
- RPs get quarterly Newsletters from the SDDA with fun new information, brags, and interesting articles
** Please note RP member needs to be renewed annually, while your dogs registration is for life.
How can you become a member?
Go to the SDDA website,, and create a login if you have not already done this. Once you have created a username and logged in you will see an tab for Registration for People and Dogs,
under this tab there is a spot to either select New Registered Participant or Renew RP Status.